Monday, May 14, 2012

These 2 "Sky Blue" Boxes started it all for me! Jackson and I had been down South for Spring Break visiting Boogie and Granddaddy in Bogalusa, La and when we returned I saw them! Two beautiful Bee boxes...They looked like a confectionary nestled down the hill from my house. My Neighbor Shelby had Bees!!! I saw a doctumentary a few years ago about the Honey Bee and how something called "Hive Colaspe" was taking out the Bee population ...and as you all know~We need Bees!  That's when I decided that I wanted to save the World....One Bee at a Time!  But, just like lot's of things that I decide to do...My follow thru doesn't always "Follow thru".  That was about 5 years ago. I had no idea where to look or how to get started...and ~so, I did nothing about saving the bees....until I rounded the corner and saw them...The Baby Blue Bee Shelby's!!!!

I couldn't get down there fast enough and "Boom" just like that , I had all of the Bee info that I needed!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st offical " Bee Check"!!!!! Thank you to my neighbor , Shelby who came over and helped!!! There is capped honey and larve and well....the Bee hive is looking good!