Monday, July 21, 2014

Blue berry picking......

There's nothing like picking wild blueberries in the beautiful  Endless mountains. Today we took off on the side by side and four wheeler with our friend Dana, Pat, and mckenna for a blueberry picking outing. The blueberries were plentiful and everyone had a great time. We enjoyed blueberry muffins for breakfast the next day.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Georgia.....

Happy birthday to one of my oldest and dearest friends. Georgia Magee ...I thought that it would be fitting for Sadie and Sam to sing happy birthday to you. Thanks for all the fun times . Happy 50th birthday....

Monday, May 14, 2012

These 2 "Sky Blue" Boxes started it all for me! Jackson and I had been down South for Spring Break visiting Boogie and Granddaddy in Bogalusa, La and when we returned I saw them! Two beautiful Bee boxes...They looked like a confectionary nestled down the hill from my house. My Neighbor Shelby had Bees!!! I saw a doctumentary a few years ago about the Honey Bee and how something called "Hive Colaspe" was taking out the Bee population ...and as you all know~We need Bees!  That's when I decided that I wanted to save the World....One Bee at a Time!  But, just like lot's of things that I decide to do...My follow thru doesn't always "Follow thru".  That was about 5 years ago. I had no idea where to look or how to get started...and ~so, I did nothing about saving the bees....until I rounded the corner and saw them...The Baby Blue Bee Shelby's!!!!

I couldn't get down there fast enough and "Boom" just like that , I had all of the Bee info that I needed!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st offical " Bee Check"!!!!! Thank you to my neighbor , Shelby who came over and helped!!! There is capped honey and larve and well....the Bee hive is looking good!